Home Page

Now that you are here, go ahead and click on any of the buttons below.

I may just prove my own name wrong 😀

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mythological banners

Mahabharata (1)




ebooks button


Parenting button

movie button

(The wonderful graphics on this page have been designed by a fellow blogger and more importantly a dear friend, Sid B who blogs at http://iwrotethose.com  Sid, I truly owe you one for these wonderful buttons)

(Some of the images have been sourced from the internet and the following are the links from where they were sourced – Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Bhagavatham)

18 thoughts on “Home Page

  1. This is a beautiful landing page for the blog. Very aesthetically done. Wish I too had a genius and generous friend like yours. Lucky you! 🙂

  2. Superb work 🙂 As categorizing the posts under various options is not available on wordpress :-|. Easy for readers to choose their options 😉

    • Actually, it is possible. If you categorize your posts, you can create a custom menu with those categories and put that menu on to the page. Be aware some themes do not allow custom menus, but those that do – snap!

      I do like the buttons. Two thumbs up for Sid B. The buttons I created are terrible in comparison, bu then I only had MS Visio at my disposal. I mean I do have The GIMP and Inkscape installed and I have used them sparingly, but I’m not really very graphically inclined. I’m more wordy. Doubtless you guessed that already 🙂

      Mahabore: you keep reading my blog and you’ve liked many posts, the latest being the “Punjabi in Paris” series. Thank you for all of them. I keep falling behind on my reading and reciprocation. Forgive me, I’ll try to do better in future.

  3. Hello Jairam, I have found it brilliant. Can you kindly review my novel? If you can kindly send your address detail to me. Check your FB page I have sent you a message.

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