History in the making


5..4..3..2..1..Take Off. The shuttle was on its way into outer space.

Creeper was so elated, after all his attempts at staying undetected in various nooks and corners of the shuttle had proven successful. He was creating history, but nobody would know of it.

Creeper was going to be the first cockroach in space ever.


Image courtesy: orlandosentinel.com


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. The prompt was that the post should start with 5..4..3..2..1.. and that is the reason it has been highlighted separately.


This post has been picked as one of Blogadda’s WoW Picks of the weekend of 29-Sep-2013.


27 thoughts on “History in the making

      • Yes it would be very interesting. But looking at the diverse and adverse conditions the cockroach dexterously survives in every household in the world, I feel outer space will be a cakewalk.

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