Black Friday


He had insisted he would not go into the stores on Black Friday, yet there he was pushing his way through the crowd.

He had to do his job as a firefighter.


This post has been written for the Today’s Author Write Now prompt for November 29. 2013 where the post had to include the term – He had insisted he would not go into the stores on Black Friday, yet there he was pushing his way through the crowd.

This post has also been written for the Trifextra : Week Ninety Six prompt where the post had to be a 33 word free write post.

29 thoughts on “Black Friday

  1. This was just brilliant and really summed up Black Friday. I swore I wouldn’t go out either and ended up heading out at 8 pm to grab my daughter a Nook for a great price. Really wasn’t too bad by then.

    • @Kathy, good that you grabbed the Nook, reading books is a good habit 🙂 despite the crazy Black Friday rush 🙂

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